7-Day Weather Forecast at Heathrow Airport (LHR)

Stay prepared for your travel with the latest 7-day weather forecast for Heathrow Airport. Updated regularly with real-time data.

Heathrow Airport Weather Forecast

Date Temperature (Max/Min) Weather Condition
2025-03-31 16°C / 6°C Sunny
2025-04-01 13°C / 5°C Sunny
2025-04-02 14°C / 7°C Overcast

Note: Weather data is updated regularly. Check back frequently for any changes in conditions.

Travel Tips Based on Weather Conditions

  • Rainy Days: Bring an umbrella or raincoat to stay dry while traveling to or from the airport.
  • Sunny Weather: Carry sunscreen and stay hydrated if you are spending time outdoors.
  • Cooler Temperatures: Dress in layers to stay warm, especially for early morning or late-night flights.
  • Windy Days: Monitor flight updates as high winds can sometimes cause delays.